One of the most common pathologies of the feet and nails is mold. Treating this disease takes a long time, as getting rid of a fungal infection is not easy. In addition to drug therapy, folk remedies are also used, which even in advanced cases give excellent results. In the early stages of the disease you can cure the infection with natural recipes yourself at home.
What is foot fungus and ways of infection
Mycosis or dermatomycosis is an infectious lesion of the skin of the feet, interdigital areas, toes, nails. A predominantly fungal infection of the foot occurs in cultures where it is customary to wear closed shoes most of the time. Most often, the disease affects the elderly and people with weakened immunity due to any serious pathology (immunodeficiency, pemphigus, diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders of the limbs and others).
The causative agents of fungal infection parasitize the stratum corneum of the skin. They produce enzymes that break down keratin. Their cell walls (membranes) contain mannan substances that suppress local immunity and contribute to the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the skin. Among the numerous pathogens of mycosis, the main ones are Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum.
You can be infected with the fungus in two ways: directly or indirectly. The first variant of the infection offers several versions:
- close contact with a sick person;
- contact with an infected animal;
- through plants with which the sole comes in contact;
- through the soil in which the pathogen lives.
There is an indirect route of infection with foot mycosis:
- when using household items or personal hygiene items belonging to a sick person;
- when using objects that have been touched by an infected animal.
Symptoms of the disease
Depending on the type of fungus, specific symptoms of the disease are distinguished. For example, for a long time dermatophytes do not appear in any way, penetrating deep at this time into the layers of the skin or under the nail bed. If the causative agent of mycosis is trichophytosis, then the signs of infection are immediately apparent - a yeast-like microorganism causes inflammation in the nails and skin, destroying the tissues in a short time. It is difficult even for an experienced dermatologist to tell what kind of infection a patient has without laboratory tests.
At an early stage of the disease, there are common symptoms of foot fungus:
- cracks in the toe;
- itching, burning, dryness, peeling of the skin;
- unpleasant foot odor;
- stain and brittle nails;
- glossy skin surface;
- thickening and redness of the epidermis;
- increased sensitivity of the foot;
- appearance at the site of inflammation of fluid-filled blisters.

Forms of fungal infection
External manifestations of the fungus depend not only on the type of pathogen, but also on the degree of involvement in the inflammatory process of the skin, nails, hair on the feet. Dermatologists distinguish the following forms of foot fungus:
- Squamous form (scaly). Redness and peeling of the skin is noticed in the initial stage. The affected areas have different areas.
- Hyperkeratotic stage. Large roughness of the foot, deep cracks in or near the heel. Both feet are affected at the same time.
- Intermediate forms. It is considered the most common. Affects the area between 4 and 5 fingers, rarely develops between 3 and 4. Cracks are replaced by erosion, which begins to get wet, itching, burning occurs. Streptococci penetrate the loose tissue structure, causing pustular inflammation.
- Dyshidrotic form. Water bubbles that appear on the epidermis coalesce. Once they are erased, extensive ulcers develop. Mycosis spreads to the hands.
Treatment of foot fungus with folk remedies
All folk remedies against foot fungus have several tasks: destroying the mycelial fungus, eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, restoring the integrity of the skin, increasing local immunity, preventing the recurrence of the disease. For these purposes, decoctions and infusions for oral administration are used, as well as solutions, ointments and compresses for external use.
Numerous plants, minerals, chemical compounds (copper sulfate) and even gunpowder have antifungal properties - this has been proven by scientific research. More than 1000 names of flora representatives have been identified that have a pronounced fungicidal and antifungal effect. The composition of such plants includes benzoic and salicylic acid, furocoumarin, novoiman and other substances that have a therapeutic effect on fungal infection.
Rules and principles of treatment
Before you start treating foot fungus itself with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor to prevent further development of the pathology. It is very difficult to cure mycosis of an advanced form, therefore, if a few days after starting to use one or another method of positive dynamics has not come, then you should consult a doctor.
There are many popular recipes based on the use of herbal and natural ingredients. Home treatment of foot fungus is recommended at bedtime to allow time for the medicine to take effect. Regardless of the method chosen to get rid of the mycosis, you must adhere to the basic rule: carry out therapy not only until the symptoms disappear completely, but also for some time after that. During therapy it is necessary:
- follow a low-sugar diet in the diet, i. e. remove sweet foods and starches from the daily menu;
- exclude the use of cosmetic varnish, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
- perform regular iodine treatment of nail plates affected by a fungal infection (with onychomycosis);
- disinfect floor coverings and shoes to prevent recurrence.
Foot bath for foot fungus
In the initial stage of the disease, therapeutic foot baths are very helpful in relieving symptoms. Traditional medicine offers many of the ingredients from which these treatments are made. These are decoctions and infusions of herbs (celandine, wormwood, yarrow, oak bark and others), vinegar, soda and other ingredients. Fight the infection with trays every day, dipping your feet in a warm, freshly prepared solution for 15-20 minutes.
The average course of treatment for adults is 2 weeks, but if necessary, the procedure can be done longer. Foot baths help not only to stop the growth of fungi, but also to get rid of unpleasant odors, to eliminate excessive sweating of the feet. With proper hygiene of the lower extremities, the positive effect will become apparent within a few days after starting treatment. Examples of trays that are easy to make at home to get rid of foot fungus:
- Take 3 liters of warm water, mix 200 g of sea salt in it. For efficiency, you can add ground cinnamon (1 tablespoon), a decoction of chamomile or pine needles (250 ml).
- Pour warm water into a tub, add 50 ml of table vinegar or apple cider and a few grains of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, lubricate the affected skin with tea tree oil.
Compresses and lotions
In complex home therapy of foot mycosis, the use of compresses or lotions is advised. For these procedures are used celandine oil, garlic, onion, alcoholic tinctures, iodized salt and mint. Kombucha, pumpkin pulp, fresh burdock leaves are applied to sore spots. The selected substances are pressed, applied to the area between the toes and feet for 40-50 minutes and the top is wrapped in a plastic bag (adhesive film). The course of treatment is 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.
Essential oils and natural pastes
Effective treatment of foot fungus at home using natural herbs and essential oils. An extract from the tea tree (soothes the skin, eliminates itching), lemon (strengthens nails, enhances local immunity), cinnamon (prevents the multiplication of fungi), rosemary (regenerates tissues) has been proven excellent. An effective natural lavender antiseptic oil, which has an analgesic and wound healing effect, therefore removes the symptoms of mycosis much faster than other folk remedies.
You can apply the essential oil in its pure form (after an allergy test) or make natural pastes by mixing a few drops with any vegetable oil (coconut, cocoa, olive, jojoba). Manipulations should be performed 3 times a day for several weeks. If the nails are affected by foot fungus, then such a treatment lasts until the plaque is completely renewed (several months).

Decoction and herbal tinctures
The popularity of medicinal plants in the treatment of fungal infections is due to their high efficiency and availability. Herbal medicine is used not only to get rid of the fungus but also to prevent infection. The main methods of treating mycosis at home are the use of tinctures (infusion of medicinal plants with ethyl alcohol), decoction (herbs are treated with heat by drying in a steam bath so as not to boil) and infusions (herbs are poured with waterboiling. and injected).
The method and duration of therapy depends on the age of the patient, concomitant diseases and the severity of symptoms. Average duration of use: 2-3 times a day for 14-30 days. The most effective antifungal plants for the treatment of fungal infections are:
- birch buds;
- cold mint;
- aloe;
- eucalyptus;
- walnut leaves;
- medicinal chamomile;
- Japanese mahogany;
- kukullist;
- celandine;
- runnik;
- Kalanchoe;
- common juniper.
How to cure foot fungus at home
Traditional methods to get rid of fungus have been proven to be effective. To forget about foot fungus forever, it is necessary to take proper care of the foot area during treatment and afterwards. For a quick recovery you will need:
- dry the skin thoroughly after washing;
- wear only dry and clean shoes;
- do not overheat the feet, avoid heavy sweating;
- in warm weather, wear open-toed sandals;
- wear socks made of natural fabrics that have high levels of air permeability and hygroscopicity;
- Always wear personal slippers when showering in a public place.
Useful tools and products in the kitchen
It is easy to find folk remedies at home to get rid of the fungus. Every housewife, among the tools available in the kitchen or refrigerator, has some kind of cure for mycosis. Most affordable:
- Coffee. In this case, the aromatic drink is used for external use. Regular foot baths with freshly created strong coffee will help to cope with the disease.
- garlic. There are many possibilities for using the plant, but the simplest is garlic juice, which is rubbed into the affected tissues. The process is performed with a cotton swab 3 to 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear.
- Onions. Fresh onion peel should be placed in a plastic bag that is kept upright. The edges of the bag should be tied so that the arch does not touch the sole and the foot is in a makeshift steam-air room overnight. As a rule, 5 sessions are enough to get rid of foot mold.
Traditional medicine pharmacy
If there is no time to look for a remedy for foot fungus at home, then an effective remedy of natural origin can be purchased at a pharmacy. Among them:
- Potassium permanganate. The drug, popularly known as potassium permanganate, is effective in treating mycosis. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to apply a compress soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate on the feet every night until the problem disappears.
- Jodi. The areas of the skin affected by the fungus are treated with 5% alcohol solution 2 times a day. Contraindication to such treatment is high skin sensitivity and individual intolerance to the ingredients.
- jodinol. With onychomycosis, a universal blue solution is used to soften the nail plate, which has managed to become very thick. Iodinol is used to wipe the tissues affected by the fungal infection 2 to 4 times a day.
- Propolis. For the treatment of mycoses, alcohol solution is often used. You can make a home remedy by injecting propolis with vodka or alcohol, but this will not affect effectiveness. To treat and prevent fungus, you need a cotton swab soaked in the solution, apply to the infected area and wait for it to dry completely 1-2 times a day.
- Ammonia. A tablespoon of the product should be diluted in a glass of distilled water, then saturate the fabric with the resulting solution, wrap the legs, fix with adhesive plaster and withstand the compress overnight.
- Boric acid. For antifungal therapy, you will need a powder, which is sprayed on the feet in the right dose after the steam and put on socks. The procedure is performed every evening. Boric acid is left overnight.
Herbal remedy for foot fungus
Some plants are a natural antibiotic, while others have a complex effect on the affected area. To treat mycoses, poisonous herbs are often used, the ingestion of which is unacceptable. Destruction of membrane cells of pathogenic fungi occurs due to the presence of an aggressive plant environment, which leads to a rapid neutralization of the pathology. Powerful plants include:
- black night;
- cheremitsa;
- male fern;
- lumbago blackening.
Effective folk remedies for foot fungus
In order for folk remedies for mycoses to help, the treatment process needs to be properly organized. Before starting any procedure, you should steam the feet, trim the grown nails, grind the loose tissue, remove the rough and dead skin. Only then can popular recipes be successfully implemented. Natural ingredients not only completely destroy the fungal infection, but also give nails and skin a healthy look. The most effective folk remedies need to be discussed in more detail.
Garlic compresses
An old home remedy for foot fungus are garlic compresses. The effectiveness of this simple and affordable method is due to the composition of the plant. In addition to vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins, garlic contains ascorbic acid, which is harmful to harmful microorganisms. You need to be aware that if you use garlic compress recklessly, you can burn your skin. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dose and duration of therapy. Garlic compress recipe:
- melt 50 g butter, add 1 head of minced garlic, 2 tbsp. l. coarse rock salt and mix thoroughly;
- apply the resulting mass on a sterile gauze in an even layer and apply on the affected areas for 1 hour;
- treat with a compress several times a day, leaving the limbs immobile during the procedure;
- the recommended course of treatment is 1 month.
You can fight mycosis with any vinegar essence: wine, apple, rice, malt or cane. The principle of action of vinegar is the penetration of its substances into infected tissues and the destruction of fungal cell membranes. Mycosis does not develop under the influence of an acidic environment, as colonies of pathogenic microflora die under its influence. In the initial stage of treatment, a low concentration of vinegar (by 3%) should be used, which gradually increases.
Before being treated with this method, it is necessary to check the infected area of skin for scratches and cracks so as not to cause inflammation or chemical burning of the epithelium. If they are not there, then you can start using the vinegar compress:
- mix until smooth 2 tbsp. l. nine percent vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and 2 tablespoons. l. vodka;
- dip the bandage pieces into the finished mixture and apply to the site of localization;
- after the dressing has dried, wet the bandages again in the medicinal mixture;
- the time of use of compresses should not exceed 1 hour per day;
- course duration - 2 weeks.
Baking soda
Treating foot mold with baking soda at home gives good results. At the first suspicion of a fungal infection, it is necessary to use sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate), which reduces the acidity of the epidermis. In addition to the antiseptic effect, baking soda soothes the skin and nail plates, allowing the medication to penetrate more easily after use. Under the influence of alkali, the affected tissues become more sensitive to the action of any other treatment.
With mycosis, soda can be used dry, diluted with water and in combination with other natural or unnatural ingredients. With onychomycosis, soda paste will be more effective. To prepare it you will need:
- 3 tablespoons. l. mix soda with 1 tbsp. l. water until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained;
- then soda paste should be applied to the affected nail, avoiding contact with the skin;
- after that, the mass should be acidified with freshly prepared lemon juice, which will immediately react with soda;
- the solution should be removed 5-7 minutes after application and wash your feet with soap;
- the procedure is performed daily before bedtime until the condition of the nails improves.
Tea tree oil
In dermatology, tea tree oil has been used for over a dozen years because it has been established as a very effective remedy for skin pathologies. The natural composition of the essential fluid determines its cytotoxic activity, namely the ability to fight pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment options will vary depending on whether the infection is the skin or nails.
You can cure nail plate by pouring 1 drop of tea tree oil on the affected area every day. It will take about 2 months to fully recover and strengthen the nail. It is better to use a diluted extract for single treatment. To do this, you need to take vegetable oil (3 parts), mix it with essential oil (1 part), shake and apply on skin 2-3 times a day for 1, 5 months. It is better to arrange the course of treatment with a doctor. Clove essential oil can be used as an analogue.

Hydrogen peroxide
In the fight against fungal infection helps hydrogen peroxide, which is considered the best antiseptic with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The drug is widely used both in medicine and at home for the treatment of fungal infections. Hydrogen peroxide does not accumulate in the body, so the development of any allergic reaction is ruled out. With fungal infections, baths are effective, which help to soften the affected epithelium for further leakage of the antifungal gel, ointments, creams or sprays prescribed by the doctor.
Making a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide at home is easy:
- pour warm water into a tub and add a 3% preparation at the rate of 100 ml per 2 liters of water;
- lower the legs into a container and hold for 20 minutes;
- in order for the solution not to cool, the addition of small portions of boiling water is required;
- after the procedure with a pumice stone, remove the softened tissue;
- remove moisture with a sponge and apply the prescribed medicine on the surface of the skin;
- take baths every day until the condition improves.
Laundry soap or tar
For more than a dozen years, people at home have been cured of a fungal infection with the help of tar or laundry soap. By following the rules for treating affected skin, you can quickly get rid of itchy and unpleasant foot odor. To speed up tissue healing, you should combine soap with salt or iodine. The following recipe will help improve blood circulation to the tissues:
- steam your feet in warm water before going to bed;
- then foam them thoroughly with laundry soap;
- treat your feet with soap with a washing cloth, then with a pumice stone;
- then wipe dry, smear with cream;
- treat areas of infection with a birch tar fungus;
- soak it for 1, 5 hours, then remove with a cotton swab;
- wear clean socks on the feet and do not remove them for 2 days;
- repeat the procedure once a week until the problem is eliminated.
Salicylic ointment
The main advantage of treating mycosis with salicylic ointment is its high antifungal activity. The drug kills pathogens, prevents their reproduction, eliminates keratinized layers of the epidermis and rarely causes side effects. With foot fungus, apply salicylic ointment in the form of compresses. On softened skin or nail plate, the medicine in a concentration of 5 or 10% is applied in a thin layer, after which the foot is placed in a plastic bag and socks are placed on top. The procedure lasts 1 hour 2 times a day for 10 days.
As already mentioned, propolis for mycosis is effective as a solution. The alcohol component also has a positive effect on pathogenic microorganisms. It is possible to prepare an ointment with a beekeeping product, which should be rubbed overnight on the affected areas for 10-14 days. His recipe is simple:
- mix 20 g of crushed propolis (without wax) and 100 g of sea buckthorn oil;
- heat the ingredients in a water bath for 30 minutes;
- cool the mixture, drain with cheesecloth, use as directed.
Celandine and chamomile
It is believed that medicinal plants, especially chamomile and celandine, will recover faster from a fungal infection. It is better to use them together. To achieve a quick effect, you should drink chamomile soup or tea (to boost overall immunity) and take a bath with celandine infusion. You should know that the fresh juice of the latter burns, so it should be used in its pure form very carefully.
For infusion, crushed stalks of a dried plant are needed. In a glass of boiling water, you need to create 1 tbsp. l. Leave the celandine for 1 hour, then dilute it with a little hot water. With mycoses the solution is used for therapeutic baths, which are done daily for 15 minutes. As a rule, such treatment facilitates the initial stage of the disease in 14 days.
Calendula infusion
The flowers of this plant contain a large group of biological substances that have a strong antimicrobial effect. Particularly quickly, the infusion of calendula copes with onychomycosis. Before using the medicine, the nails should be steamed and processed. After mechanical cleaning of the nail plate from fungal plaque and dead tissue, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the infusion and apply it to the affected area. The procedure is performed daily for 4-8 weeks. It is easy to prepare the product at home:
- pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. dried or fresh calendula flowers;
- insist not to soak in a water bath for 10 minutes;
- cool, drain, store at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C.

Careful! The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only. Article materials do not require self-treatment. Only a qualified physician can diagnose and make treatment recommendations, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.